Saturday, August 29, 2009

So Excited!

This morning I attended a gardening workshop over at Truly Living Well Farms.  I learned sooo much!  The farm is amazing!  I am definitely going to start going over there and volunteering.  I really want to get my whole family involved, because I think it will be an amazing learning experience.  If you just drive by, you would never know how much they have going on over there.  They have a greenhouse, they keep bees, they grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers of all types, they have several different kinds of compost, and so on.  I never realized how little I know until I attended this class.  I really kind of knew bits and pieces, but am so glad that I went to this workshop!  I really didn't even know how most of these vegetables grew!  Seeing okra and cucumbers, butternut squash and eggplants, even stevia coming from the ground. . . beautiful, and amazing, and so many other adjectives that I can't think of right now, lol!  It's got me really excited to start a garden, but seriously wondering if I should start one here, since I don't know how long we'll be in this house.  I don't want to put a year's worth of work into a garden, and then have to pick up and start all over again.  Also, I don't want to have any issues with the owner about starting the garden.  I really want to do it in the front yard, where there is so much sunlight, but I know she won't agree to that.  What is people's obsession with grass?  

Ooh!  I also learned that sweet potato greens are supposed to be quite tasty!  Who knew?  I'm going to try it someday, whenever I can get my own garden together.  Maybe I'll start with containers.  That might be the best option for us at this time.  I can't wait to own so that we don't have to worry about these things! 

1 comment:

kg said...

I agree with that ownership statement... the freedom it affords! Anyways, rock with the containers... beyond being a more landlord-friendly option, it's a good way to practice for when you're ready to plant in the earth.