Thursday, January 31, 2008

Things I've Learned Lately (from my Myspace blog)

  • If you open yourself up to the universe and ask it for help, chances are it just might come through.
  • When there are things that I can never seem to get around to doing, it usually means I shouldn't do them.
  • I don't really know or trust my body, and it's unfortunate.  This is probably why I have issues with eating healthy.
  • Sometimes we have to come full circle a few times before we realize that this is where we need to be.
  • I have some deprogramming to do as relates to dealing with children (my own and other people's), but knowing is half the battle :).
  • I'm a writer.  Always have been and always will be.  No need to keep dancing around it.
  • Amani's an incredible little boy.  He amazes me everyday, mostly because he never does what I expect him to, and I never expect what he does.  Maybe I should stop expecting altogether.
  • The less attention I give to the little short-term things, the more I get to enjoy the big long-term things.
  • What's mine is for me and me alone.  Comparing myself to others is futile.
  • Life is not a game to be played, but it is what you make it.  I plan on making mine spectacular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts are so deep, but are the thoughts of many others. Keep thinking and expressing yourself!