Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Public Service Announcement

18 and older:
you are too damn old
to be fighting in the streets 
unless you're fighting for freedom.
not many people watch those fights
on youtube.

you are too damn young
to be fighting in the streets
unless you're fighting for freedom,
and frankly that's the only
type of fighting 
i can condone.

under 13:
watch us fight for you
when we are fighting for your freedom.
soak it all up.
one day soon
the fight will be yours.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Comfort Food

I want to stuff my face
with pizza and sweet things
and things that will give me gas
and nightmares.

I am afraid of 
failing falling losing
losing myself
winning disappointment
and the thing that lives under my house.
(although i think 
i could handle a lizard right now.)